A middle- aged man, identifed as Gbenro has strangulated his wife, Wayeṣọla to death
The sad incident happened at Salvation Army Street, Odojọmu, Ondo city between 5-6 am.
A five year old daughter of the deceased, Fayọkẹ witnessed how her mother was killed .
She said she saw her father on the bed turning her mum’s neck when she was going to toilet that morning.
She added that her father threatened to kill her when she made an attempt to run outside to seek the help of their neighbours.
She said she later saw her mum’s lifelessly body beside her father on the bed while their neighbours came to covered her with clothe.
It was the neighbours that alerted the deceased brother on phone.
They locked up the man and the lifeless body of his wife inside the room so that he won’t be able to escape as the deceased brother went to Enuowa station in Ondo city to report the matter.
Spokesperson of the the state police command, Tee- Leo Ikoro said the accused’s case had been to the state CID for further investigation.